Take Care of yourself; Take Care of each other; Take care of this place
Spelling Bee! 2019
Spelling Bee 2020 is in the works! Date: February 1, 2020
If you want to get your team signed up early, call: 785-200-6750
More details to follow.
FIRST Place winners – The Fadden Family Neighbor to Neighbor Abilene – first Spelling Bee fundraiser!
SECOND place winners!THIRD place winners Group of smart friends that joined ranks!Raffle items ready for ticketsRoom set up before the contestants arrived. Long table is for peanut gallery attendees.And then the line began….Judge Joe Basso welcomes all and directs the way to the chili line!Emcee Tom Schwartz (left) and Joe Basso entertainers for the night.Contestants locate their team tables and then head to the food line for Chili and cinnamon rolls.Fun and fellowship.Strategies are planned.Volunteers “maked” and baked and served the light dinner.Emcee working the crowd, getting a feel for what age group he should start with.Table 1 begins the spelling bee!Table 2Table leader’s emerge from each group to stand and spell.(Don’t blow it mom) Correct!Go Helen!!!Excellent style.Easy, peasy … peasey, peezie, .???? Got it!Sometimes you had to spell the word backwards and then also pronounce it afterwards.Slow and steady wins the race…Great family fun for all ages.The “Sisters” (of St. Joseph)Some contestants made it seem so easy.
Dad’s turn.He had a blast at the spelling bee!Captain of the team.Table of teachers!Mom takes her turn.Fun. Good, clean fun. (or was it?)Oh oh…. there may have been n error …..Not to worry! You could buy your way out of a jam with a mulligan, or do over, or other$$$ solution! (Note how quickly Sister Loretta would swarm over to collect.)This contestant brought joy to the game every time!The other captain of the team!Waiting on the official word. YES, Correct!“Finally, a word I know!”As the night progresses, more team members jump in to answer.Another teacher that survived the 100th day of school (per her shirt)Go team go!!Family fun for ALL ages! She received a great applause from the crowd!Did I mention fun for ALL ages? 🙂 …. The crowd gave her a nice applause, too! 🙂Good job!Another excellent speller!!The word: porpoise The answer: F-I-S-H!!!! His teammates were suspicious when he jumped up and said “I got this.” …. (It was a fun night!)Sister L swarms in again to collect his purchased mulligan chip. (But it was worth it, for his answer!)Fun teacher’s group.
Last try….Family and friendsWind it down boys.This team really enjoyed the evening!When you have a “southerner” in the midst, there may be confusion on the pronunciation of “Bouquet”. (Once the teammates changed it to “bookay”, she got it!)Happy participants!Doodles and scribbles were expected!